Oral Presentation ISCT ANZ - BAA Joint Scientific Meeting 2022

Non-clinical development of a neurorestorative approach to Alzheimer dementia: Hair follicle-derived neuroprecursor cell therapy (80422)

Michael Valenzuela 1
  1. Co-Founder & Chief Scientist, Skin2Neuron, Sydney, NSW, Australia

Hair follicle-derived neuroprecursors (HFNs) are transiently amplifying, neuronally-committed cells that can be efficiently and reliably manufactured from adult skin using our proprietary technology. Proof of concept studies in rodents and canines suggest potential as a treatment for Alzheimer’s Disease (AD): donor cells survive, migrate and engraft in host brain memory circuits, restore depleted synapses, and rescue memory deficits to normal function. However, for human clinical trial and a path to commercialization, a detailed understanding of the cells’ Critical Quality Attributes is needed. Here, Skin2Neuron will showcase our GMP-compatible manufacture process that delivers high quality cellular purity and reproducibility, and our strategy for potency assay development that is orientated towards supporting the proposed mechanism of action, neurorestoration.